Friday, July 6, 2012

Can Memory Loss Be a symptom of Ptsd?

#1. Can Memory Loss Be a symptom of Ptsd? Advertisements

Can Memory Loss Be a symptom of Ptsd?

You probably know of cases where individuals who have gone through something severely traumatic tend to have cognitive problems, particularly intriguing memories connected with the traumatic event. For instance, a victim of child abuse may grow up completely forgetting instances of such ill-treatment, or subconsciously alter his or her memories of it. The same thing may happen for those who have experienced war, have endured a dreadful accident, have witnessed a violent death or have suffered sexual abuse. Such ultimate trauma can have lasting effects on a man and have many symptoms connected with it, including amnesia, nightmares and panic attacks.

Can Memory Loss Be a symptom of Ptsd?

Clinically, the condition is referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder or Ptsd. It is defined as an acute and persistent anxiety disorder, which is a reaction to severe psychological trauma from the experience of grave physical danger or a threat to a person's psychological integrity (in cases of emotional abuse or rape, for example). Ptsd is dissimilar from more coarse cases of traumatic stress, as it is defined as having symptoms that last beyond six months while the latter is normally temporary. Other terms used to identify it in the past are post-traumatic stress syndrome (Ptss), traumatic war neurosis, as well as shell shock for afflicted war veterans.

Even relatively normal amounts of stress have been connected to poor memory and cognitive function, so can memory loss be s symptom of Ptsd as well? The answer is obvious, but the explanation is not as uncomplicated as saying that forgetting traumatic memories is only a coping mechanism. It is foremost to note that memory loss connected with Ptsd is not only puny to blocking off past traumatic experiences, but can also sway short term memory or the capability of the brain to store and recall new memories.

Studies recommend that the psychological effects of Ptsd may in fact correspond to the actual physical damage to the brain as a consequent of trauma. Particularly affected by stress is the part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is responsible for organizing memories and development associations. Thus can memory loss be a symptom of Ptsd. Fragmented and dissociative memory are some indications of the impairment, and experiencing flashbacks or nightmares may be connected symptoms.

Brain scans using magnetic resonance imaging (Mri) can expound the estimate of physical damage that has been incurred in relation to Ptsd. A estimate of Vietnam War veterans have been found to have an 8% reduction in the size of their right hippocampus, while no other differences were seen in other sections of the brain.

Damage to the hippocampus can get in the way of development new memories and whole cognitive function as well. Some of the latest explore show that among the functions of the hippocampus is to build new nerve cells, also called neurons, which are responsible for transmitting brain impulses. Stress, especially Ptsd, can damage this function. Respectively, a decline in the estimate of neurons results in poor memory function. Among the many concerns about the implications of the explore is that those who have experienced trauma, especially in childhood, can be at a great disadvantage when it comes to learning.

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