Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cause and Effects of Korean War

No.1 Article of Vietnam Veterans Of America Address

The Korean War took place in the middle of the time duration of June 25, 1950 and July 17, 1953. The two Korean regimes fighting against each were the Republic of Korean supported by the United Nations and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and its allies.

Korea was an independent nation since the 7th century. However, clear parts of the country came under the Japanese jurisdiction as a consequence of the war that took place in the middle of China and Japan during the years 1894 to 1895. Korea was engulfed wholly by the Japanese military in August 1910. With the culmination of the Second World War, Korea was taken over by United States and Soviet Union in unison. The Us authorities sought help from the United Nations to end the issue of a conjugated career of Korea.

Vietnam Veterans Of America Address

To decide the conflict, the United Nations recommend elections in the country, which were drastically opposed by the communists in North and South Korea. While the United Stated desired to forestall the multiplication of communism; the Soviet Union wanted to increase it as far as inherent throughout the world. With Kim Ii-Sung at the helm of affairs in North Korea supported by the Soviet Union, military under him attacked South Korea under the anti-communist government of Syngman Rhee on June 25, 1950. China plunged into the war in order to gain mileage against the probability of a Us invasion. The war ended on July 27, 1953 due to armistice. However, this was a momentary cease fire without the signing of any long term peace treaties.

Cause and Effects of Korean War

One of the most clear effects of the war as in the case of any disagreement was high numbers of casualties. The Korean War widened the gap in the middle of the United States and the Soviet Union on the issue of communism. The war also propagated animosity in the middle of the Us and China. As a direct consequence of the fear of the repercussions of communism, the Us arbitrated into Vietnam to abolish the possibility of an additional one North Korea. South Korea became a permanent location for the American military troops. Despite the armistice, the actual war has not ceased since then. Korea remains bifurcated with the two sides on constant war readiness. The economic wide in the middle of the two sides has also deepened with the tube of time.

While South Korea has progressed economically and technologically; North Korea remains as a poor and immensely militarized country. The nuclear tests and numerous missile tests conducted by North Korea pose a threat to South Korea as well as Japan. The eight point peace agreement signed by the leaders of the two sides of Korea on October 4, 2007 did open avenues of talks, peace, economic cooperation, renewal of highway, air voyage and train services. However, the unification of North and South Korea still remains a dream in the hearts of many.

Cause and Effects of Korean War

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