Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Agent Orange Rashes - understanding Skin Issues

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Agent Orange Rashes - understanding Skin Issues

Agent orange was used during the Vietnam War and is a chemical that was implemented to destroy the increase of forests in Vietnam as well as to destroy the food resource supplies. Not only did it destroy plants, it had very damaging results on human beings. It was used initially for crop increase and then incorporated into the herbicidal warfare schedule with very destructive consequences.

Agent Orange Rashes - understanding Skin Issues

Some of the side effects contain cancer, birth defects, respiratory problems and severe skin rashes. It effected a over four million Vietnamese and many were not in the military. Chlorance is a skin problem resulting from agent orange that can look like cystic acne. It has long-term effects and can last as long as thirty years. The unsightly eruptions cause a lot of sadness for those who have been exposed to them. Antibiotics can be helpful to some extent but the skin damage can be psychologically devastating.

A second issue of agent orange chemical is a liver problem called porphyria cutanea tarda. The person with this condition is very sensitive to both heat and sunlight. Skin tone is effected and there can be painful skin blisters as well as the discount in thickness and elasticity of the skin. Damage to the liver is a serious concern which can cause critical problems over time.

So why do we care about these skin conditions? It is foremost to understand because not only are millions of Vietnamese citizens still suffering from them, but many American veterans have also been affected. While humanitarian and global condition groups are responsible for helping those in Vietnam, any Us veterans who imagine they may have skin or other condition concerns as a corollary of exposure to Agent Orange should immediately caress their local Veteran Services. They are legally entitled to treatment for their condition, and while treatment options are limited, they may contain oral antibiotics that can help to operate the situation.

Agent Orange remains an example of chemical warfare that inflicted predicted harm on the occupied civilian population, the troops troops complex in areas where it was used, and the environment as a whole. This record should help us to understand the true long-term ramifications of using such dangerous chemicals, and why it is foremost to understand their effects because of the population who are still suffering for them today.

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