Alternative rehabilitation For Peripheral Neuropathy - Vitamin B12 Supplements - Second expand report
I continue to ask, "Is there an alternative rehabilitation for Peripheral Neuropathy?" My demand in the two other articles I have written on this branch are about the value of high doses of injectable Vitamin B12 Supplement in the form of Methycobalamin. I guess I hope for a miracle but I am also realizing a hope that is saying yes back to me. Is there a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder? That too is discussed and considered.
Alternative rehabilitation For Peripheral Neuropathy - Vitamin B12 Supplements - Second expand report
This is part Three to my first article.and an update. This article will probably have a part four and maybe even five. I have a lot of feelings about it all. My husband suffers from Peripheral Neuropathy due to Agent Orange, White, Blue and Pink from his exposure to those toxins in Vietnam. He bathed in the Mekong Delta everyday and continually had Agent Orange, White, Blue and Pink, the toxins and heavy metals, on his skin in a heated tropical zone, for his nine month tour. It would be like spraying your whole body with a can of Raid and leaving it on your skin for roughly a year.. Pretty bad.
If you suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy due to diabetes or if you are finding for a cure or at least some hope for a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder, I am writing this article, as well as my other ones on this subject, for you. I am also writing it for your caretakers if you have gotten that bad. I want you to know that I understand the limitations and angst and my heart feels sad for you as it does for my husband.
So, is there a cure? Is there at least some help or maybe at least a bit of relief?
As I have stated in my other articles, I confess I do not know. I only tell you of what the develop is of my husband Dennis. I mention Autism in its dissimilar forms because my husband's granddaughter has Autism. There is some investigate showing that it may be hereditary, in children and grandchildren of victims of Agent Orange connected problems.
What's the develop that is being experienced by my husband?
He is not cured but there is added develop and think to resume his regiment of high doses of injectable vitamin B in the form of Methycobalamin. I want to stress that it needs to be Vitamin B in the form of Methycobalamin. There are other forms of Vitamin B, it must be Methycobalamin.
The progress?
One thing that has changed is the nausea from all the pain meds he is on. I will not state what those meds here, but take my word please, because I am trying to be as candid and honest as I can, that he is on adequate to knock most people out. Lots of meds diminish ones potential of life. Throwing up is a biggie. After he takes his injection the nausea, at its worst, dissolves.
Two The shaking has for the most part subsided. This is beyond doubt splendid for both the victim and the person (s) living with the victim. I mentioned this in my second article but it bares repeating because it is a side influence that is one of the most difficult to overcome and one that is distracting both for the victim of Peripheral Neuropahty and the people colse to them. No more shaking in bed and a certain calmness has placed over him.
Three Any form of vitamin B helps ones mood. When person suffers from chronic pain they are often pretty darn crabby. Dennis' mood it softer now with these injections.
Four This is a huge! (and pardon the pun here, it is unavoidable) Often men, who take a lot of meds, produce Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's disease is a deformation of the penis, often resulting in a sharp corporal bend in the organ, frequently interfering with general sexual function. That question of the bend? Has been cured the bend, it beyond doubt has, yet not any other problems involved. My goal here is to be perfectly honest about the effects of the injections he is taking and I think that if one finds that such an prominent factor as this, no matter how embarrassing, it should be shared. Keep in mind however, I make no claims for whatever else, I only tell you what is so for me.
Five Not long ago Dennis had colse to four days without his alternative rehabilitation for Peripheral Neuropathy, high doses of injectable Vitamin B12 Supplement Uk in the form of Methycobalamin. There was a disagreement and it became clear to me and to Dennis that his condition was beyond doubt improved by this alternative treatment.
In conclusion to this article anyway, I am still hopeful. I will continue to monitor my husbands progress. I hope that my efforts to be honest and candid will in some way bring you some hope as well. Is there a cure for Autism or the milder variant of Autism disorder, Asperger's Disorder? I don't know, I only know that high doses of Methycobalimin are relatively harmless, our bodies delete the extra. It may be hard on the kidneys however, but weighing that with the alternative still demands consideration in my very humble opinion.
Love your life.. Remember that this is Life Take One!
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