Since the Cuban revolution took place on New Year's eve of 1959 the United States has had 10 Presidents who have had many of the same ideas while differing on many of which but if there be one consistent it was and still is their repetition of the now ridiculous expression "Castro will soon fall!". Yes, this will eventually happen after all who has not been born who will or has not already died so technically speaking Castro will some day fall but it will not be because of an American embargo which in its 48 years has not produced any certain results in whether bringing an end to Castro's reign or improving the lives in any way shape or form of the citizen of Cuba. I would even say along with many others that this policy has done the perfect opposite which is to strengthen the position of Fidel Castro's regime as the median Cuban citizen has no other selection but to depend on it for everything he or she needs to survive. Furthermore I can add that it would be an act of obstinacy rather then anything else that would lead any to continue this failed foreign policy as it does not require much astuteness on anybody's part to see that if this strategy were going to work it would have done so already and if it has not done so after 48 years then any man or woman who has even some use of coarse sense can see that it is not going to.
Sometimes or rather quit often the truth as to why things are done or not is what we need to look for ourselves specially with regards to politics were it is not always favorable for those in power to narrate it to us. Let us look at Cuba, yes it is true they are not a democratic community and do not even pretend to be one and we are told this is the guess the United States has resorted to an embargo. Of policy one could seriously argue weather an embargo has ever or will ever yield changes everywhere of any kind other then negative ones for the citizen of the country given that those in power always carry on to get by more then nicely. With regards to Cuba's democracy or lack of which to this I would say that it is not every government that can sound the ideas of democracy as well as some of our other trading partners such as China, Saudi Arabia, Chile (under Pinochet), Vietnam and even the Soviet Union. This last country being one whom we never had an embargo (other then the grain embargo which was swiftly drooped) against even while the worst tensions of the cold war. With regards to Vietnam, I can give the example of how an American Vietnam Veteran asked if America does not have an embargo against a country like Vietnam; whom we were once at war with, why does it have one against a country which technically speaking we were never at war with? I might even add it was us who tried to invade Cuba and not the other way around.
This last point brings me to a windup which I feel can not be totally wrong and it being that if we look at what Cuba has. The write back would be nothing of any real value to offer the Us as what it has is sugar which we can yield ourselves or buy somewhere else very cheaply. For instance The Dominican Republican which was even known to use child labor to in its production of the same commodity. Cuba has beautiful beaches which I hope to visit one day even if my country (much to what should be the shame of Americans) does not lift its embargo but then again it is not like Americans do not have beaches in the Us or other colse to Caribbean countries. Cigars is an additional one thing Cuba has to offer; which based upon my knowledge though not taste are reported to be the best in world but again as is the case with sugar; it is not that this a goods which is all that vital to our economy and which we could not get in an additional one country (though maybe not of the same quality) like Jamaica.
Once we eliminate these three items Cuba has little to offer the American economy any way I ask if they had oil as does Saudi Arabia or a huge citizen with costs of labor being dirt cheap as they are in China; would we then be overlooking their human proprietary description or lack of democracy as we comfortably do so with the above mentioned countries? This is a ask which at best can be retorted with an educated guess which would come in the affirmative.
Some would say an additional one guess for the embargo is the "Cuban Missile Crisis" but this lacks as much sense as the embargo does because if we look at the events that lead up to this crisis it was the Soviet Union putting missiles in Cuba that created it. Cuba merely allowed its territory to be used for this purpose. A decision which maybe might have even been forced on Castro as the Soviets were not ones to give their satellites much in the way of options as was the case with countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Ddr, Romania and Bulgaria. We may guess weather or not Castro willingly went along with Khrushchev on that one but let us claim that for all arduous purposes, since we have not concrete proof otherwise that he did so on his own free will. If this was the case then why place an embargo on only the country that allowed missiles to be put on their territory aimed at us and not the country that certainly put those missiles there in first place. Of coarse always bearing in mind that we too had missiles of our own aimed at the Soviet Union, also from countries which were close to them such as Turkey and West Germany.
As for the Castro's government many things can be said against it but let us not forget the facts which maybe some want to keep us in the dark about. First; Castro did win the elections in Cuba several years before the revolution which the Batista government chose not to honor so with regards to Castro taking power; this in reality one could say was done with the sustain of the citizen of Cuba. At least back then now weather he still rules with it is an additional one issue though in Cuba there is no sign of revolt against him. Second; I speak not in favor of communism as I have seen the damage it can do specially while my time in Poland and have read about all the atrocities of Stalin and Mao but again let us recall that Batista's Cuba was also a dictatorship with the basic unlikeness being that the American mafia could advantage from it.
Castro on the other hand for all his shortcomings in human proprietary has lead a country which has eliminated illiteracy, has a medical ideas which is amongst the world's best and this despite of the American embargo and having had Soviet founding cut over 15 years ago. As for change; Cuba is tantalizing gently toward a free shop by allowing small inexpressive businesses to emerge much like China. I for my own can not help but think of all the added changes toward a free shop and community that would have come about if the United States had seen Cuba in the same light as they do China or even Vietnam; which in not only my opinion but that of many others are clear examples of what transformations may occur when embargoes are not applied.
In all this it is fortunate for the citizen of Cuba that the European Union does not have to pamper to the wishes of a settle on few as they are taking the steps which they should have done so a long time ago by lifting their embargo of the island. Simply this lifting of sanctions brings along strings that come in the form of requiring the Cuban government to release political prisoners, engage in dialogue with their political opposition and an comprehensive correction of human proprietary that would comprise a freer press. I might go added with this line by claiming that as much as I am against the convention which is the Vatican; I would have to admit though it pleases me not in the least to do so that the late Pope (John Paul Ii) brought about more democratic changes in Cuba with one visit then the American embargo has in 48 years. This being the case with his visit which lead to some political prisoners being released along with churches being allowed to open for the first time since the revolution.
According to polls taken in new years and some even going back as far as the 1992 Presidential elections; most Americans are opposed to the American embargo on Cuba but it is not most Americans that are deciding American policy toward Cuba but a small group of Cuban Americans (some of which have not as much as set foot in Cuba) living mostly in Florida who have been given the undeserved right to dictate American policy toward Cuba Simply because they come from this country. I say undeserved because if we look at history did any other ethnic group ever get to determine American foreign policy toward the nation they came from? Did German Americans get to determine American policy toward Germany while W.W. I or W.W. Ii or did Russian Americans get the same privilege with regards to the Soviet Union or did Vietnamese Americans or those who came from Vietnam get to do likewise with regards to American policy toward the country they had left? They did not and theirs was an opinion that was not even requested so I enquire why should Cuban Americans get to determine the policy of our nation as a whole toward their country of origin when other ethnic groups did not receive the same privilege. Also taking in to account that American foreign policy toward Cuba does not only corollary Cuban Americans but all Americans.
This boils down to the real issue as to the reality of this absurd embargo's raison d'être which is to derive the votes of those Cuban Americans living in Florida that are crucial to any candidate wishing to win this vital state. I for my part claim to be of the opinion that if not for a voting ideas (Electoral College) which is even more antiquated and senseless then the embargo I argue against; the issue would be decided by our nation as a whole who would be allowed to deliberate upon the matter. Instead of a handful of Cuban Americans who from my point of view seem more implicated with being vengeful against their country of origin then in bringing about real change. I any way do not deny that there might be some Cuban Americans who wish well for their country. Therefore it is to those who truly want democracy in Cuba as opposed to those who Simply want a regime change so they might get their hands on some cheap land before the price goes up that I say that history has made it clear that the way to bring about change is not embargoes or sanctions but negotiations which should not be confused with appeasement.
In windup I will say that if one thing I share with those who desire to prolong America's embargo on Cuba; it is that I like they wish to see the end of Castro's communist dictatorship but unlike them I feel the way to go about it is another. Dialog instead of sanctions or embargoes is what not only I but millions through out the United States are calling for and yet our voices are not being heard Simply because we contrary to those who wish to continue the embargo can not vote in Florida.
basics It is High Time the Us Ended Its Embargo Against Cuba basics