Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What About Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Obama Eligibility Issue?

#1. What About Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Obama Eligibility Issue?

What About Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Obama Eligibility Issue?

I wonder what is going on in the mind of sixty-five year old Federal District Judge David O. Carter since he proclaimed, on July 13, 2009, in his Santa Ana, California courtroom that the case filed by attorney Dr. Orly Taitz, Keyes v. Obama, will move forward in the attempt of the plaintiff to seek a court mandate to force President Barack Obama to disclose his primary birth certificate for collective scrutiny. I wonder how many censuring calls he has received from his fellow judges around the country, the ones who have curtly dismissed the same, and similar, cases seeking collective disclosure of Barack H. Obama's primary birth certificate and his other professional and educational records. Perhaps Obama, himself, has given the judge a call to discuss his captivating decision.

What About Federal Judge David O. Carter and the Obama Eligibility Issue?

From what I know about the man, Carter, a old U.S. Marine Corps officer and Vietnam veteran, must vividly recall, and occasionally reflect on, the oath he took in 1967 upon being commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Military, which was only to protect, preserve, and defend Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Similarly, he took another oath of office before assuming the duties of a federal judge, on October 22, 1998, after nomination by President Bill Clinton on June 35, 1990, and confirmation by the U.S. Senate on October 21, 2009. The oath, per record 6 of the U.S. Constitution, is worded as shown below:

"I, [Name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as U.S. District Judge under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."

Quite obvious to the reader, in the above oath, is the allegiance sworn by any federal district judge to the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Moreover, that individual judge swears to God, and to the citizen of the United States, a promise to properly administer justice agreeing to all prevailing laws of the United States. If this is so, I wonder why Judge Carter has been the only federal judge, prior to and subsequent to the selection of Barack Obama as President of the United States, to think the requirement set forth in the U.S. Constitution, for the President to be a natural born citizen, as a law that should be enforced. Judge Carter's statement, that, as a old U.S. Marine, he realizes the importance of a someone being constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President, indicates his apparent willingness to see that constitutional law is properly administered and followed in his court. His actions seem to reflect the statement by the great John Adams, that "we are a nation of laws, and not of men."

Yet, in the face of all the blatant suspicion that Barack Obama has brought to bear on the legitimacy of his selection as President, by the million-plus dollars he has spent in legal fees since October 2008 to oppose collective disclosure of a 12 dollar certified copy of his primary Hawaiian birth certificate, and copies of his other professional and educational records, I wonder if Judge Carter is going to end up ultimately thinking politically, instead of legally. I am referring to the state of mind displayed, for example, by San Francisco U.S. District Judge Susan Illston, when she dismissed the federal lawsuit brought by San Francisco Attorney Stanley R. Hilton, on behalf of over 160 9/11 victim's families, against George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and other members of the Bush administration, on a basis of sovereign immunity instead of a lack of credible evidence. From what I have discovered factually with regard to Dr. Hilton's lawsuit, he had, and still has, some very damning evidence in his rights showing that Bush, Cheney, and the U.S. Military, orchestrated what occurred on 9/11; and the only proper forum for presenting such evidence is in a court of law, where a preponderance of such evidence will vindicate, in a jury trial, the request for retrial of the plaintiff, a forum which was denied Dr. Hilton and his clients.

While it is a truth that a standing U.S. President cannot be sued in federal court over what is deemed to be the lowly legal, and just, processes for the obligation of federal law, mammoth evidence of criminal acts committed deliberately by the President or his agents, under color of executive authority, is indubitably actionable. This would be true even if the impeachment process has not been initiated in the U.S. House of Representatives due to innocent ignorance, or as a effect of the placating machinery of corrupt political manipulation. In other words, Machiavellian political maneuvering in Congress should not be permitted to displace, or hamper, proper judicial review, that equity, justice, and, if need be, punishment are properly dispensed.

The exact opposite of this is indubitably what happened in Nazi Germany, when, supposedly, honorable judges, who had assumed their duties prior to Adolf Hitler's assumption of power, allowed themselves to come to be servants of the evil Nazi Party, in order to keep their jobs. There are quite a few historical examples of lawsuits that were brought by law-abiding German men and women, between 1936 and 1942, against Adolf Hitler and his thugs, which were swiftly dismissed on a basis of Hitler's sovereign, all powerful, immunity. Currently, if it can be proven in a court of law that Barack H. Obama knew, at the time he declared himself a presidential candidate, that he was not born in the United States, that he has deliberately misrepresented himself as a natural born citizen, and that he has spent over a million dollars perpetuating a lie to the American people, a fee of criminal fraud would be the only acceptable action to be brought against the man.

Perhaps Judge Illston has called Judge Carter to express her dismay over his willingness to query Obama's eligibility to be President; or maybe she is so politically oriented, and biased, toward Republican neo-conservatism that she would be more than happy to see Obama discredited and forced to vacate the Oval Office. In reality, it is difficult to know where the allegiances of most federal judges indubitably lie, for after they are confirmed by the U.S. Senate to their offices for life tenure, they can do essentially anyone they want, for or against the U.S. Constitution, and if they are not impeached, do it with total impunity; for impeachment, in reality, is not a legal process, but one fully political. I recall that a high ration of the nation's electorate endorsed the impeachment of supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren during the 1958, but nothing ever came of it in the U.S. House of Representatives; and during the last 214 years, you can count on one hand the number of federal judges and justices who have formally been impeached, and on four fingers the number who have been convicted and removed from office.

From what I know about Judge David O. Carter, he seems to be a stand-up individual and one not likely pressured into handing down a decision thought about by the effect of political influence. While neither Republican nor Democrat, I only hope that political party affiliation has had no bearing on the decision of Carter to jaunt in his court toward a proper test of the evidence. Nonetheless, only time will tell what type of federal judge Carter indubitably is. If suddenly the case, Keyes v. Obama, is dismissed, and disappears under a ruling of sovereign immunity, or on a less than cogent basis of the political military exerted against Carter, the true colors and allegiance of a federal judge will be clearly revealed.

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Unique Holidays: Visit the World's Historic Battlefields

Vietnam Veterans Of America - Unique Holidays: Visit the World's Historic Battlefields The content is good quality and useful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Unique Holidays: Visit the World's Historic Battlefields. And the content associated with Vietnam Veterans Of America.

Do you know about - Unique Holidays: Visit the World's Historic Battlefields

Vietnam Veterans Of America! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Visiting battlefields is not only a pastime for the military history buff. The world's battlefields are also poignant reminders of the futility of war and sacrifices made. Pacifists will find them just as moving. Some countries were beyond doubt shaped by war and history has been defined by it. Tourists who wish to gain a real knowledge of the countries that they visit will find their understanding enriched by visiting these sites. For some tourists, they may even gain an appreciation why their country and fellowmen were fighting in that war and any have in fallen in battle on the very grounds they are visiting.

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How is Unique Holidays: Visit the World's Historic Battlefields

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Vietnam Veterans Of America.

Standing on sites where conflicts took place - together with some that changed the policy of history - brings the past more vividly to life than any book or documentary and can be an unforgettable experience. In Britain, literature fans can visit the sites of historical and famed battles and stand on the very ground of historical battles that have been immortalized in words by famed authors such as Shakespeare and other famed authors or poets.

At some much older sites, they supply other unique activities such as joining part of ongoing archaeological work being done at the site or any current resumption efforts.

For many people, war has taken its toll on their own families within living memory. Visiting those sites can be an emotional pilgrimage to pay homage to fallen comrades or relatives. Without visitors and remembrance, those sites will not live on. Tourist revenues are crucial to their maintenance and chronic existence.

Battlefields nearby the World

It says a lot about humanity and the along violence that has characterized human history that in practically every country there can be found a battlefield and/or monument, particularly with along cemeteries in honor of the dead and fallen. Many have been considered conserved, with site museums providing detailed information.

The World Wars

World War I, the war that was supposed to have ended all wars, has the dissimilarity of having its battle sites being the most visited sites in the world. The meticulously maintained sites in the regions of Ypres, the Somme and Arras are heavily visited. In Asia, someone else much-visited World War site is Gallipoli, near Troy. This peninsula was the site of half a million casualties, of whom 100,000 died, in the 1915-16 friction there.

World War Ii sites are also favorite Tourist destinations, with a large of its visitors being surviving veterans of that conflict. Normandy and the D-Day beaches, Arnhem (the battle that was the field of the award-winning film 'A Bridge Too Far') and sites in Italy also highlight strongly. Some expert tour associates will institute practice tours for veterans and their descendants to revisit places of significance.


More up-to-date wars are commemorated in other Asian countries where they occurred. The Vietnam War is sill fresh in the memories of many Americans and those people who lived straight through it, whether as participants or as spectators of a global event unfolding in their televisions screens on live newscasts.

Both sides having buried the hatchet, many Vietnam vets now return to remember the events of three decades ago as some form of pilgrimage or effort at closure or healing. They are also able to see the other side of the conflict, at sites such as the Cu Chi Tunnels, a subterranean complicated built by Viet Cong fighters near Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City).

Anglo-Boer and Anglo Zulu Wars

Deeper in the past, the late nineteenth century was someone else war-torn era. In Africa, the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, attracts many tourists eager to see the battlefields of the Anglo-Boer and Anglo-Zulu wars. Possibly most famed are the Anglo-Zulu war battlefields of Rorke's Drift where a handful of British soldiers resisted a immense onslaught by Zulu warriors and Isandhlwana where the British Army suffered one of its most devastating defeats in its proud history.


India too has its own share of battle sites. A day trip from Kolkata takes tourists to the site of the 1757 Battle of Plassey; a battle that helped established the British nearnessy in India. Near Delhi, the Meerut Cemetery is one site commemorating the Indian Mutiny of 1857, while the terrible Massacre at Amritsar in 1919 is commemorated in the Punjabi City.


Visitors to America can select amongst hundreds of battlefield sites dating to the Civil War. Most famed is Gettysburg, which has been restored and has pride of place amongst American monuments.

Battlefields belonging to someone else size of American history (and other places worldwide where colonialism operated) includes those where colonizers clashed with indigenous peoples. One famed site is at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, where Lakota Sioux clashed with the U.S. Army in 1890, resulting in the deaths of three hundred men, women and children. The site of the Battle of puny Big Horn in Montana is someone else site commemorating a friction that every American learns about.


Britain is also replete with battlefields that have been immortalized in literature. They consist of Bannockburn, a key battle in the Scottish fight for independence. In Leicestershire is the site of the Battle of Bosworth Field, where Richard Iii fell in 1485, agreeing to Shakespeare, declaiming 'A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!' Culloden is someone else famed Scottish battlefield, where Bonny Prince Charlie fought in the Stuart Uprisings to challenge the Hanoverian kings on the English throne.

Battlefields, though reminders of a violent past, are not necessarily maudlin places. For alongside the violence, death, pain and horrors of battle, you will also find tales and instances of courage, honour, dedication, compassion, chivalry and inspiration.

2011 Moira G Gallaga©

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Miracles on Ice - The Inspirational Story of Team Usa in 1980

Vietnam Veterans Of America - Miracles on Ice - The Inspirational Story of Team Usa in 1980 The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you just never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Miracles on Ice - The Inspirational Story of Team Usa in 1980. And the content related to Vietnam Veterans Of America.

Do you know about - Miracles on Ice - The Inspirational Story of Team Usa in 1980

Vietnam Veterans Of America! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The starting of the 1980s was a year of tumultuous changes in the world compared to the inspirational story of this miracle. The Cold War was at its peak. America was just emerging from a humiliating defeat in Vietnam and the world was still reeling from an oil emergency when the Soviet Union decided to exert its affect supplementary by invading Afghanistan. The world of sports was also affected by the duel of these two superpowers as the west contemplated a boycott of the Summer Olympics in the Moscow. In the midst of this evaporative world climate, an inspiration story was taking shape that would catalyst the decline of the communist world and revolutionizes the world of sports.

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How is Miracles on Ice - The Inspirational Story of Team Usa in 1980

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Vietnam Veterans Of America.

We can trace the beginnings of this inspirational story to two great ice hockey playing nations. Just prior to the Winter Olympic Games at Lake Placid, Usa in February 1980, the Soviet Union was considered to be the best ice hockey playing nation of the world. Since 1960, the Soviets had clinch gold in every Olympics. Along the way, they have amassed a 27-1-1 article scoring 175 goals and allowing 44 goals in the process. Although Soviet ice hockey was deemed an amateur sports, the Brezhnev regime had allowed the player to take on 'soft jobs' while training full time in excellent sports facilities. Heading into the 1980 Lake Placid games, the Soviet team was ankled by veteran players like Boris Mikhailov, Vladislav Tretiak, and Valeri Kharlamov, and youngsters Viacheslav Fetisov, Vladimir Krutov and Sergei Makarov. To make things more difficult for the Usa, this Soviet team has beaten them 28 times out of 35 meetings. The most recent debacle was a 10-3 defeat suffered at the hands of the Soviets in one of the warm up matches foremost to the 19080 Winter Games.

The Usa on the other hand was far from the inspirational story they are to become. Made up of a diverse range of players who have never played together for long, these group of players had the many problem of being totally distracted from what they were supposed to do. They were also under the impression that the Soviets were unbeatable and therefore they did not stand a occasion against them. Everybody startling them to lose, except for the most foremost person in the team - Head Coach Herb Brooks. It was perhaps a good omen that Brooks was the last player cut from the 1960 Usa Olympic squad, which was also the last Usa team that beat the Soviets. Brooks was on a mission to get the best out of his team, and he became the father of this inspirational story. Watch how Brooks inspired his team here.

In this inspirational story and miracle, Team Usa beat the heavily favored Soviets in a tight contest, sparking renewed patriotism in a country that has seen too many defeats in the past decade. It also created a new revolution in professional hockey as the demise of the Soviet Union began a slow but steady flow of excellent Russian players to the National Hockey League. A new era of modern and professional sports was born. Miracles as they say do happen to those that want it the most.

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